Introducing automatic CDP migration to Multi-collateral Dai It has been a full week since the launch of Multi-Collateral Dai and, while the supply of new Dai has been growing steadily, the migration…
[Guide] Migrating to Multi-collateral Dai for Sai holders and CDP owners (including automatic… Multi-collateral Dai is set to launch on Monday, November 18 at 8AM PT/4PM UTC/5PM CET.
How safe are DeFi lending protocols? (featuring Compound, dYdX and Fulcrum) [Infographic] Lending has quickly become one of the most popular activities in DeFi, and it’s easy to see why — it offers an attractive, but also…
The new Maker — what’s changing and how do I get on board? Rune Christensen, the CEO and Co-Founder of MakerDAO, announced at Devcon that the launch of long awaited Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD) is…
A short introduction to Maker’s DSProxy (and why we l it) When one creates a CDP, a proxy contract is deployed at the same time and tied to their Ethereum account. This proxy contract is…
Automatic CDP protection faux pas — analysis, updates in place and next steps We introduced the CDP Automation feature three weeks ago, offering users the option to enable automatic liquidation protection, as well as…
Automatic liquidation protection and leverage increase is now live in DeFi Saver [BETA] We are very glad to introduce our most anticipated and most requested feature: automatic liquidation protection and leveraging is…